The Aether Project is supported by the Aether Directed Fund which is managed by the Governing Board. The Governing Board consists of one representative from each Premier member and one representative from the Aether Technical Steering Team (TST). The Governing Board meets monthly and is responsible for overseeing the Directed Fund’s annual budget along with the high level vision of the Aether Project.
Governing Board
Larry Peterson
Princeton University, Aether TST Chair
Pranav Mehta
Timon Sloane
Executive Director
Technical Steering Team
The Aether Project is managed on the technical level by the Aether Technical Steering Team (TST). The Aether TST meets on a weekly basis and consists of contributing members of the Aether community.
Gabriel Arrobo
Intel Labs
Ghislain Bourgeois
Sean Condon
Woojoong Kim
Larry Peterson
Princeton University (Chair)
Bilal Saleem
Purdue University
Ajay Lotan Thakur
Tianyi Zhang
Iowa State University