Research and Development focused on rApps that optimize performance and lower energy costs in heterogeneous 4G/5G radio access networks (RAN)
Palo Alto, California – March 12, 2025 – Aether, a Linux Foundation project, is pleased to announce that it is teaming with Rakuten Mobile and Rakuten Symphony to launch a series of experiments and trials to explore and validate innovative approaches to address RAN energy saving and traffic steering, under its SMaRT-5G initiative. By focusing on energy savings and traffic steering capabilities, network operators can improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance user experiences while supporting sustainable practices.
This project is specifically designed for 4G/5G brownfield, heterogeneous network environments utilizing an adapted O-RAN architecture. Open source SMO and Non-RT RIC from Linux Foundation projects, optimized and packaged by Aether, will be used to host the rApps which are foundational for the project. Trials will be conducted within network testing labs of Rakuten Mobile and Rakuten Symphony, with collaboration from Intel Labs, Rimedo Labs, Tietoevry, and VIAVI Solutions, with whom Aether has been conducting a series of proof-of-concept studies in the RAN traffic steering/energy saving space, under its SMaRT-5G program.
Specifically, the current project will implement and test coordinated traffic steering and energy-saving rApps on an open source SMO/Non-RT RIC stack supported by VIAVI simulator and will progress to a commercial SMO/Non-RT RIC stack of Rakuten Mobile with VIAVI simulator as a precursor to potential field trials.
“Energy Saving and Traffic Steering are two of the most critical challenges facing mobile operators and this effort is a significant step towards applying an O-RAN based solution in an open-source platform environment,” said Sarat Puthenpura, Chief Architect Open RAN, Aether. “It is of significance that this is an rApp play, which uses only an O1 interface without an E2 interface, and the coordination between the energy saving and traffic steering applications will be achieved without an A1 interface unlike conventional approaches, making this a pioneering achievement.”
Planned contributions as part of experiments and trials:
- Trials are with rApps, using SMO and Non-RT RIC without Near-RT RIC/xApps.
- In the initial phase, open source SMO and Non-RT RIC (from Linux Foundation’s O-RAN Software Community), will be used for experimentation, and later Rakuten’s SMO and Non-RT RIC will be used to replicate and further validate the results.
- Initial studies will utilize simulated RAN, and successful experiments will be considered for field trials.
- Rimedo Labs is developing the Traffic Steering rApp (TS-rApp) that will guarantee UE level performance and coordinate with the Energy Saving rApp (ES-rApp). The TS-rApp to use only an O1 interface and its adaptations, as needed.
- Intel Labs is creating the AI/ML based Energy Saving rApp (ES-rApp), implementing optimal cell on/off strategies in coordination with the TS-rApp. The ES-rApp to use only an O1 interface and its adaptations.
- AI/ML capabilities will be leveraged to optimize the rApps performance.
- VIAVI Solutions will provide RAN simulation capabilities with its TeraVM AI RAN Scenario Generator that trains ML Models to optimize the RAN and tests the ES rApp against stringent benchmarks
- Tietoevry will contribute system integration support across O-RAN architecture interfaces, implementation of rApps and all needed adaptations, along with test services, for the lab trials.
“We are pleased to see that the Linux Foundation SMaRT-5G initiative, for which we provide an innovative AI/ML based 5G energy-saving rApp to improve efficiency and performance, will have the opportunity to be tested in collaboration with Aether partners. It is one step closer to be deployed in networks in operation,” said Pranav Mehta, Vice-President, Intel Labs. “Energy savings of 5G systems is a key usage model called for by Open RAN (ORAN) operators and customers.”
“This project provides us with a unique opportunity to apply our extensive expertise in developing advanced RAN algorithms,” said Marcin Dryjanski, CEO, Rimedo Labs. “Traditionally, traffic steering has been a RAN feature that we have delivered in the form of an xApp. In this project, however, we focus on extracting the core algorithm and adapting it for integration into an SMO-level application, expanding its scope and potential impact allowing it to be utilized on legacy networks.”
“We are excited about the evolving roadmap of the SMaRT-5G initiative and the opportunity to integrate, deploy, and experiment on Energy Saving and Traffic Steering optimizations,”said Mariusz Rudnicki, Wireless Global Business Sales Director, Tietoevry. “This project leverages our deep RAN domain expertise to bring emerging technologies one step closer to real-world deployments. By embedding AI-based solutions we enhance automation, efficiency, and performance – accelerating the path from innovation to operational excellence.”
“VIAVI are excited to be involved in the SMaRT-5G initiative and use our tools and expertise to ensure the success of the Energy Saving and Traffic Steering optimization experiments and trials,” said Ultan Kelly, Wireless Product Manager, VIAVI. “VIAVI AI RSG creates a RAN digital twin that replicates real-world conditions in the lab enabling x/rApps to be trained, tested and validated in real-world environments prior to field deployment. For over 100 years, VIAVI has been directly involved in testing, assuring and securing the largest communications networks around the globe, and validating network products for all Tier-1 network equipment manufacturers.”
About Aether SMaRT-5G
Aether is a Linux Foundation project that serves as an umbrella for a portfolio of open source 5G mobile networking sub-projects including Aether (private 5G and edge computing platform), SD-Core (open 5G mobile core), SD-RAN (O-RAN compliant open RAN) and SMaRT-5G (sustainable mobile and RAN transformation of 5G).
For more information about Aether, please visit our website:
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Denise Barton